Copying and Linking




I exhort and encourage you to reproduce and transmit my writings in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording. But keep in mind these things: 1) my name must remain attached to them; 2) the text cannot be altered; 3) they cannot be offered for sale or included in items offered for sale. Freely you have received them, freely give them.


As for the postcards made by my brother Illuminato, and the Bible quizzes we have created, and the Christian midi and mp3 files, and the testimonies, you are free in the Lord to reproduce and transmit them in any form or by any means (so you can put them on your website, if you have one), but keep them as they are (so – for instance - do not omit quoting the books or the magazines or the websites from which we have taken the testimonies) and do not offer them for sale. Freely you have received them, freely give them.


Links to the home page of our website ‘The new Way’ and to the sections of it (such as Questions and Answers, Confutations, Testimonies, etc.) as well as to single articles on our website are permitted.


Please, do not hotlink midi or mp3 files, nor wmv files, via a website. Put them on your site but do not hotlink them.



If the material we have published on this site has been useful to you, contact us. We will be very happy to hear from you.




Home pageGreetings Thanksgiving Site purpose The Holy Bible What we believe and teach Teachings and Exhortations Messages for those who don’t know God Questions and Answers  Confutations Testimonies  Meditations Christian hymns & Gospel songs Postcards with Bible verses Bible Quizzes Contact us Copying and linking Search